Basic DNA Course
Duration: 3 days
Location: Ashburton, Melbourne (in person only)
Certification: ThetaHealing® Technique DNA Practitioner
Prerequisites: None
Cost: $595 plus $60 deposit​
Next course: 14, 15, 16 February 2025
Certification: ThetaHealing® Technique DNA Practitioner
Register: Register your interest here
Anyone can learn Theta Healing!
The Basic DNA is the first course to certify you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. The course introduces ThetaHealing techniques, looks at how powerful our thoughts are and focuses on the understanding that we are all connected.
In the Basic DNA course you will learn to connect with and develop intuitive and healing capabilities. It is a very 'hands-on' course, where you will learn the basics of the ThetaHealing Technique, including how to enter a theta brainwave state, how to remove negative beliefs and emotions that limit and sabotage us, and how to replace them with positives.
We will explore techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historical, and soul beliefs, either self-inflicted or externally imposed.
You will learn to identify your own beliefs and practice pulling them from others taking the course. This practice can quickly reveal belief systems, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.
You can use the skills you learn for yourself, for friends and family. It provides personal growth and the building blocks to becoming a ThetaHealing practitioner.
The Basic Theta Healing course covers:
entering a theta brainwave state where you can achieve instant healings
the power of connecting to the Creator of All the Is
the power of our thoughts and subconscious mind
developing and opening your psychic senses
how negative thoughts affect our health and wellbeing
removing negative thoughts and beliefs, and replacing them with positives
aligning your energy field
scanning the body for illness
muscle testing
finding the key beliefs
the seven planes of existence
guardian angel readings
discernment when working with guides and guardian angels
future readings
introduction to manifesting in your life
why we create things in our lives and what we learn from it
balancing your moods
and much more.
On completion, you will be a certified ThetaHealing DNA Practitioner.
Contact me to find out more about the Basic DNA course, or register your interest now (payment will be processed after confirmation).

"Thanks for a truly wonderful weekend - I learnt so much - it was very empowering and revealing and fascinating.
You're a wonderful and gifted teacher and healer and I can't wait for the Advanced Course"
- MM
Enquire about this class using the form below, or call
0431 740 156.